Sunday, April 17, 2011

Egg Hunt

This weekend, the local Farmer's Market held an Easter Egg hunt for the kiddos. Well, it was less of a hunt and more of a scramble. Hundreds of eggs we scattered about the field and, when the whistle was blown, kids of all ages made a mad dash towards them. Kaden had zero idea what was going on - I think he just picked up a few eggs (at our prompting) on his way to the playground. The older, more wizened kids, opened the eggs, took the candy, and left the pastel plastic shell....and those were the ones Kaden wanted to gather.

Kaden loves all of the life-size stuffed animals that terrify other children. Mr. and Mrs. Cottontail were at the Market for the scramble and, not surprisingly, Kaden made himself at home in Mrs. Cottontail's lap. He actually had to be coaxed out. Our little snuggle bunny.

Getting ready for the scramble and counting his eggs.

Practice for an actual "hunt."

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