Harrison's first trip to Ocean City was a momentous one for serveral reasons, the biggest one...he turned ONE!! Our sweet, silly, snuggly, and rambunctious boy has been with us for a full 365 days and it seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital. It's been a whirlwind, bringing home the second baby while still parenting and loving the first. I'm sure every mom has felt the complex emotional mix of love and guilt - feeling like you're pouring 200% of what you have into loving and raising these little ones entrusted to you, yet feeling as though you can never give them/show them all the love you have for them. All I know, is that my heart aches for both of them with an overwhelming sense of love. And seeing K celebrate his brother, makes my heart swell even more!
Having spent most every summer in Ocean City, it was inevitable that I would form amazing friendships. Even more amazing to me, is the fact that our children are now getting the same opportunity. So many of my friends from childhood now have children of their own and I was thrilled that they all made the effort to come to Harrison's birthday party!
Our baby boy, from birth to one!
Gammi reading Harrison's favorite book, Red Truck, to Paz and Harrison before their naps on party day.
The older siblings all dressed up with nowhere to go...except the baby's party.
Water Balloon Toss
Thank you to all our friends for helping us celebrate! We are so blessed to have so many friends in O.C.
Happy Birthday to YOU!
No thanks, Mom...this store bought cake is not for me! Grammi Vic, may I please have more watermelon??
Happy 1st Birthday, Harrison!
Height - 29.5 inches (33%)
Weight - 22 lbs 8 oz (67%)
Favorite food - fruit, especially watermelon
Favorite book - Red Truck
Favorite toy - balls and trucks
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