Thursday, November 28, 2013


I am so thankful for this little boy.

Once again, Uncle Sean and Julie came out to visit us over Thanksgiving.  We are so appreciative that they do, as it is such a treat to spend this special time with family.  This year, we did a whole lot of nothing.  It was a relaxing weekend for us, but may have been a boring one for them.  The highlight for Kaden (other than seeing Sean and Julie, of course) was putting together a tool bench they had gotten him for his birthday back in August.  It was sitting on top of the armoire in our bedroom for three months (because Kaden received entirely too many birthday gifts to open one more), and our patient boy waited, and waited, and waited.  It was a perfect gift for our "hands-on" little one.  He loves tinkering and figuring out how things work.  He also loves helping his Dad around the house with whatever "fix-it" chores need doing.  Uncle Sean brought out hand-knitted sweaters for both boys from Ba Noi.  Kaden has really liked his and wears it with all sorts of outfits.  He's got his own style!

What Kaden was thankful for this year:  Bed, Dinner, Toys, and Monkey.  While Kaden was thankful for dinner, he made sure to tell me that he didn't like the kind of turkey that walks, only the kind I buy at the store (deli turkey).  Sure enough, after trying the roasted bird he asked if he could have a few slices of what he was used to.  

Kaden's school has a Thanksgiving program every year and this year he was old enough to star in the show.  The children practiced three songs...and practiced, and practiced, and practiced.  Kaden sang them every night before bed (while standing on his bed for the full effect of the stage) and I knew he knew them by heart.  The day of the program, the kids looked as cute as could be with their turkey hats.  The singing, however, was quieter than anticipated.  I think they all got a little stage-fright with the sanctuary full of parents with cameras.  It was a darling little program though and Kaden was pleased as punch that he got to participate.

Songs:  He Has The Whole World In His Hands; The B-I-B-L-E; and Turkey Time Is Here Again

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