Saturday, May 14, 2011

Potty Training

A couple of months ago, I got Kaden a Baby Bjorn toilet. Honestly, I didn't think we were anywhere near ready to start the potty training process, but I wanted him to get used to the idea. He has sat on it a few times...with all his clothes on. He has also used it as a stepping stool to grab things that weren't supposed to be in his reach. Actually, by all indications, he confirmed my thoughts that this wasn't the time for potty training. Until tonight. Tonight, we were reading books before bed (and he hadn't yet had his nightly movement) and I asked him if he wanted to go poopy in the potty. He arose from his reading chair, went to the bathroom and got his toilet out of the cabinet, and then looked at me expectantly. I took off his pjs, then his diaper... and, he sat on the toilet and had a poo. Kevin and I stood there in shock and then garnished him with praise. So, today, May 14th, Kaden used the big boy toilet for the first time!!! No photos necessary.

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