By the time I am finally getting around to writing this post, we are closer to nine months than eight. Regardless, Month Seven was a big one and it brought lots of new, fun activities for Kaden.
First Padres Game
We spent a wonderful Sunday at the ballpark with friends. Kaden didn't seem too interested in the game, but had a great time watching all the people around us. Kevin assures himself that, if the Cardinals had been playing, the game would have had Kaden's rapt attention! Of course, Kaden sported his Cards hat!
First Sleep Over
Only seven months old and Kaden had his first sleep over with one of his best friends, Brooke. Brooke's fabulous grandmother volunteered to watch Kaden while Brooke's mom and I attended a yoga class. We had a wonderfully relaxing hour and a half knowing the kids were in good hands. Meanwhile, the kids behaved like perfect angles for Mrs. Castruita. They went down for naps soon after we left and woke up thirty minutes after we got back. All in all, a successful first slumber party!

New Sleeping Positions
Speaking of sleep, Kaden has a variety of new sleep positions. He is all over his crib and contorts himself into positions that look incredibly uncomfortable. Here are a few shots of my sleeping beauty.
Dinner with Gammi and Pop
Gam and Pop miss Kaden so much (and vice versa I'm sure) that we've figured out a way for them to visit in cyberspace. Most every evening, Kaden sits down to dinner and Gam and Pop join him via Skype. Kaden gets the biggest grin on his face when he hears the do do do do doot dial up. He gets an even bigger grin when he sees Gam and Pop and hears them sing The Itsy Bitsy Spider - his new favorite song! I know it doesn't take the place of them being close enough to touch, but it is an invaluable second-best option.
Music Class
Kaden is still attending (and loving) his music class. The new session, "Jungle Jive" brought new songs, dances, and friends. Kaden is still trying to eat most of the instruments, but this session he is experimenting with playing them too!
Other Updates
Teeth Teeth and More Teeth - Kaden has four teeth up top and two on the bottom. Everything goes in his mouth which makes me think he is getting even more! All those teeth must feel weird to him because he spends a lot of time grinding them - the WORST sound ever!
Puffs - These little puffs of air are Kaden's favorite part of mealtime. He feels like such a big boy when he successfully picks one up and places it in his mouth. He was a little uncoordinated at first, but now he has it down; he can't shovel them in fast enough. The best part, it keeps him occupied for long enough for me to prepare dinner.
Favorite Book - Right now, Kaden is thoroughly entertained by Where is Baby's Belly Button. This is a lift the flap book that reveals a baby's body parts - eyes, mouth, belly button, etc. He likes to help me turn the pages and acts surprised each time I lift the flap. Every once in a while I see a flash of understanding; he'll see the picture of the baby's feet and then look at his own. I think part of the reason he loves this book so much is that he loves playing Peek-a-Boo. He gets the biggest kick out of pulling away whatever it is that is hiding his face; he knows we like seeing that toothy grin as much as he likes showing it to us!
Big Brother - It is too bad we can't get Kaden a big brother because he is longing for one. Kaden stares in awe at every big kid that passes by. Be it running, riding a bike, swinging, or talking, he loves watching anything and everything the "big kids" do. Before he knows it, he will be one of those big kids. Oh the things to come...
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