Week Thirteen (yesterday) coincided almost perfectly with Kaden's three month birthday (today). What better time to stop the weekly portraits and start monthly ones instead. Kaden is changing everyday, but I'm betting there will be a big difference between Month Three and Month Four!

It's actually not until I look at pictures that I realize how big he has gotten. He is about 23 inches long and is weighing in around 13.5 pounds! The boy is a serious eater - if I interrupt his eating to give him a burp he screams bloody murder! At least he has finally gotten the hang of burping (I used to never be able to get one out of him). He's super cute when he is eating too, he clasps his hands over his big belly as though he is settling in for a good meal. As you can tell, he still has that red hair (???) and those big blue eyes. We are wondering whether one, if not both, will change.
Kaden is more alert everyday. He's a lot more smiley too - let me tell you, it is a whole lot easier to stand the fussy fits when you get a big ole grin afterwards! It's also fun now that he recognizes who we are. He'll follow us around with his eyes and smile like, "Hey, I know you. You're my mom/dad." He's also talking to us. Well, it's more like cooing but many time it is direct response to our questions or comments. As for moving, he's a mover and a shaker. I swear he will be a soccer player like his Uncle Paul because he is always kicking his legs. Within the past week or so he found his hands - he'll sit and stare in amazement as he moves his fingers. He'll also bat at some toys that hang over his bouncy seat, but he still hasn't grabbed anything (other than my hair/shirt/face etc.). His favorite toy is, by far, Mr. Whozit Whatzit. Kevin will sit it in Kaden's lap or on the stroller rail and Kaden will just smile and coo at it. It is as if they are having their own, hilarious, conversation. His favorite book is still Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Kaden with his puppy and Mr. Whozit Whatzit
For security, his personalized puppy blankie is his go-to guy. Once we put that near him (thanks for the hint, Jill) he will settle down into a peaceful state and sometimes even a restful slumber. I don't want to jinx it, but he is sleeping through the night now (9pm until 6:30 or 7 am). Naps, are another story all together. He's great in his car seat, stroller, or bouncy seat, but when I put him down in his crib he'll fall asleep fine only to wake up screaming after thirty minutes or so. I'm contributing it to his reflux, which still seems to bother him pretty badly at times (hence the aforementioned fussy fits). He is getting to be on a pretty predictable schedule though and that makes mama's life a whole lot easier. I think Kaden's favorite event of the day (well, not everyday) is bath time. He could sit in there until he shriveled up like a prune if we let him.
He continues to L-O-V-E car and stroller rides. I realize how lucky this makes me when I speak with moms of kids who don't particularly like car rides. We are still going to our bi-weekly Stroller Strides class and getting to know more and more mommies and babies. A new yoga studio opened up nearby and I'm hoping to try their Mommy and Me yoga class. It should be interesting to see if Kaden likes yoga as much as him mama does. Kevin has been waking up early on Saturday mornings to look after the little man while I go out to a yoga class or for a nice long solo run. I can't tell you how much this hour sustains me!
I am looking forward to Kaden holding his head up on his own (for extended periods of time), rolling over, grabbing toys, sitting up, and (most of all) giggling...but right now I'm savoring my sweet, happy, chubby baby boy whose favorite spot is his mama's arms.
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