Friday, August 28, 2009

Birth Day - August 28, 2009

On Friday, August 28th, 2009 I woke up around 5:30 a.m. with some cramps and some slight bleeding. I called the doctor because I wasn't sure what the blood was all about. When the on-call doctor called back at 6:45, she said that it was probably nothing, but if it made me feel better to come to the hospital. We left the house around 7:00 and got to the hospital around 7:15 - 7:20. As soon as I got to triage, my water broke. It was like the movies - a huge gush as soon as the comedic protagonist arrives at the nurses station! Since I was a couple of weeks early, they didn't have my records and there was some confusion on getting me into a room. A wonderful nurse noticed my anxiety and made the executive call that we go ahead and get a room, taking care of admission a little later.

Fortunately, it was my doctor that was on call once we got to the hospital! She did a vaginal exam and I was only at 3 cm. I was a little nervous because I knew that once you were at the hospital with ruptured membranes you were on the clock. I had nothing to be nervous about though as my big-time contractions came about ten minutes after arriving at the hospital; they were fast and furious! When they started they were about three minutes apart and lasted between thirty seconds and one minute. As time went on, they got worse and it got harder to breathe. When the doctor came back in (around 8:45 am), she asked if I wanted another vaginal exam. Since I had only labored for an hour, I declined thinking I wouldn't be very far into things and the news would only be discouraging. The second time she came in (around 9:45), I decided what the heck, lets check - at this point things were becoming really difficult. She checked and I was at 10 cm! Twenty minutes and seven or eight pushes later my baby boy was in my arms. He came so quickly Kevin had to run out and find the doctor! I delivered squatting on the bed (me facing the inclined part at the head of the bed) and it was intense but amazing! I couldn't believe that from start to finish it was less that five hours! I thought I would have so much more time (I'm certainly not complaining though). After the doctor got me turned over and on my back, they handed Kaden to me. I fell in love in an instant. A few minutes later, Kevin cut the umbilical cord and Kaden was officially his own person. I couldn't have asked for a better experience. My doctor, the nurse, and especially Kevin were all fabulous - they encouraged me the entire time. All in all, it was exhilarating.

Now, we have a beautiful baby boy! Kaden Patrick Flynn was born at 10:17 a.m. weighing 6 pounds 7 ounces and measuring 19 inches in length. Welcome to the world Baby Kaden. I hope we make your life as full as you have already made ours.

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