Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 2014 - Belleville and Lexington

This November, we made a trip back to Belleville to celebrate Papa's 70th Birthday.  

A highlight of the trip was seeing Great Grandma Flynn.  God love her.  I certainly do.

Another highlight, spending time with cousins!  A rare, but always fun, opportunity! 

Kaden thought the freezing temps and freezing rain was a special treat - us, not so much!

It does make for cute accessories though!

After Belleville, we went to Lexington for Thanksgiving with family and friends.  It was the first time we had been back for Thanksgiving in several years, so it was a special treat for all of us to be together.  We spent lots of time cuddling with Gammi and Pop, seeing old friends, and taking in some of Lexington's fun offerings - ice skating in Triangle Park and a UK basketball game!

Our gingers, Kaden and sweet Lucy, cuddling and watching a movie while Allison and I caught up on life.  I can hardly believe that she's been in my life since we were the kids' ages, but then again I can't imagine my life without her in it!  

Some special iPad time in the comfy chair!

Fly Eagles Fly!
Going on a treasure hunt...

Skating in Triangle Park

Family photo in front of the Christmas Tree in Triangle Park

Determined little guy picked it up after insisting he do it on his own!

Pop's favorite spot!

The wishbone

Science lessons with Gammi led to an amazed little boy

An effort to get a photo for the Christmas card