Friday, April 25, 2014

Gammi and Pop take SD

Gammi and Pop came in to celebrate Easter with us and keep us company while Kaden was on Spring Break.  It was a fantastic visit, as always.  The kids fell a little more in love with the both of them...if that was even possible.  As soon as they left Kaden was asking when we would get to see them again and when he could go to Kentucky.  If he had it his way, I believe he'd move in with them!

While shoe shopping for Kaden at Nordstrom, Pop discovered Harrison's fascination with balloons.

Kaden and Pop started every morning snuggling in bed and watching a Curious George episode.

Kaden asked Pop to read to him at least twice a day.

Gammi and Pop took Kaden on an excursion to see the Sea Caves.  Gammi reported that Kaden was unsure about the whole thing as there were several stairs, it was quite dark, and fairly loud.  At the end of Gammi and Pop's visit, however, when we asked Kaden what he liked best, he said the Sea Caves.  With Kaden, it takes a little coaxing to get over a fear.  After that, he tends to love it. 

Gammi found a giant box on the curb of our neighbors house that was left out for the recyclers.  She decided that, before sending it to the recycling plant, we should repurpose it.  Kaden, Gammi, and Pop did a lot of cutting and coloring and turned a simple cardboard box into a hideout, a fort, a pirate ship, and finally a space ship.  This entertained Kaden every single day of his spring break.  It's always been said that the simplest of things bring the most joy.  Good thinking Gammi!  Now, every other Monday, we keep our eyes peeled for other tossed out treasures!

Gammi and Pop went with us to one of Kaden's favorite spots, Sea World.  Kaden showed them around as if it were his own personal aquarium.  It was Harrison's first visit and he couldn't take his eyes off the animals - especially the orcas and the dolphins.  It was fun watching him take it all in.  When we first arrived, Kaden was tempted to touch the sharks in the new exhibit area, but he just couldn't quite get over his fear.  On our way out, he wanted to give it another shot.  The pride on his face after overcoming his fear made my heart burst.  He just needs a little encouragement and to know someone (most of the time, his mama) is there. 

Kaden got some special alone time with Gammi and Pop on an excursion to the Children's Museum.  They got there via the trolley and came back via bus - this kid loves public transportation.  I was really proud of Gammi and Pop for being up for the adventure and for expertly navigating San Diego.  They said Kaden had a great time with all of the hands-on exhibits.  All the fun clearly exhausted the little boy!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Harrison - 9 Months

This past month was a tough one for little Harrison.  I believe most of it stemmed from the two new teeth that worked their way out.  His bottom gum had been swollen and red for a couple of weeks and finally, on March 24th, two little white specks popped out.  I'll miss that gummy smile of his!  If it wasn't the teething, it was his second round of RSV.  Once again, the little man's cold worked its way down into his lungs and we were on breathing treatments for a week or so.  Both the teething and the cold/RSV led to several sleep disruptions an the 7pm to 7am sleep we were enjoying became a thing of the past.  It may also have to do with the fact that we moved him into our bedroom when Gammi and Pop came to visit, but this little guy was up two to three times a night the entire month!  Whew!  We are all a bit exhausted around here, and are ready to get things back on track. 

Even with the sleepless nights and the stuffy nose, Harrison had a full month of fun.  On March 26th he picked up a new skill - pointing.  Now he points at anything of interest, which turns out to be a lot of things.  By the end of the month the point morphed into a type of greeting; he holds two fingers out to a person when they say hello to him.  Seems like a 'gangsta shout out, yet so much more adorable.   He also learned that if he holds his arms up over his head when we ask, "How big is Harrison?" he gets a terrific reaction full of laughs, claps, and cheers.  Sometimes, he pulls out this trick even if we haven't asked...vying for attention, no doubt.  It seems that this act is best performed in his high chair after especially messy meals when the food can get good and smushed in his hair.  

He also took his first trip to Sea World, which he was amazed by; had a couple of playdates with some of his little friends; and, had several trips to the park where his brother entertained him on the swings (currently his favorite thing to do).

At his nine month appointment, Harrison weighed 21.1 pounds (74%) and measured 28 inches long (35%).

Beach baby

Sea World


First ride in a shopping cart and feeling like a big boy

Mama's favorite time of the day, snuggling after a bath.

Playdate with Roxy and Reagan

Playdates with Sam and Brynn

The dreaded breathing treatments

While it looks like Harrison is standing in this pic, I simply leaned him up against the wall.  I think he'll be pulling up soon though.  Kaden and Harrison had a fun time watching the tree trimmers.  Kaden explained ever action to his little brother; Harrison hung on his every word.

Cheering on the CATS in the NCAA Tournament.

This boy is, no doubt, my eater.  While I have to spoon feed most everything to his older brother, Harrison will take down any food placed in front of him.  He giggles with anticipation when it is something he recognizes - like bananas or Mum-Mums.  This month he tried, and loved, beets.  One night, at Burger Lounge, he made a move for his brother's cheeseburger.  We let him have a little nibble and he grabbed for more and more until they probably ended up splitting it half and half.  O.K., so that's a bit of an exaggeration, but he did eat A LOT of it!

"So Big"

Hopefully this is a good sign that we're on our way back to sound sleep.  Notice how he hoards his pacis...I count five.  I love watching him sleep, he looks so peaceful.  Then again, I love watching him do just about everything.  It's funny to me that I still can't get over the fact that I love these boys more and more every day.  I guess it's true what they say, a parent's love is infinite...and the kids have no idea.  I'm feeling very blessed lately.  Almost every day a song line from the Sound of Music pops in my head, "I must have done something right."  I know I've done a lot of things wrong, but somewhere along the line I must have done something right for God to have picked out these loving, amazing, silly, boys for me to love.  It is a true privilege.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 2014

The Saturday before Easter, Gammi and Pop took Kaden to the La Jolla Rec Center for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Spring Celebration.  He saw a couple of his little girlfriends there, made some crafts, hunted for eggs, and got his face painted.  He also got to meet the Easter Bunny.  When he got home, he told me with a sad little voice, "The Easter Bunny is just a man dressed up in a bunny costume."  I asked him what made him think that, and he told me that he could see the guy's hairy wrist.  I tried to explain that, of course that wasn't the "real" Easter Bunny as the "real" EB had a big night ahead of him delivering baskets and eggs to all the children. I'm not entirely sure he believed me, and I'm saddened that a little of the magic disappeared way too early.

Whether he believed or not, the EB delivered Easter morning.  Kaden really liked his basket, but had an even better time going through Harrison's and showing him all the goodies.

After baskets, I asked Kaden to help me make breakfast with trick eggs filled with confetti. 

The egg hunt is never as fun when you're hunting by yourself, but the candy inside was no less sweet.

Dressed and ready for church.

Dying eggs for our cracking contest

Gammi was the big winner this year!

Feeling grateful for God's love this Easter.