Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

I love fall in Kentucky - the leaves, the smells, the crisp air.  I love Halloween - dressing up for one night to pretend you are just about anything you want to be.  Combined, Halloween in Kentucky, was perfection!

Kaden was clear this year that he wanted to be a knight.  He went on to assign everyone in the family supporting roles:  Daddy, a king; Mommy, a princess; Harrison, a fire breathing dragon; Gammi, a fairy; and, Pop, a jester.  We did what we could with what we found lying around Gam and Pop's house.  

We celebrated the Gammi and Pop's basement.  There was an awful storm system that came through resulting in the town postponing Trick-or-Treat until Friday, November 1st.  A little confusing for the kids, but 10/31 or 11/1 we had fun just the same.  It was a quintessential fall evening and we spent it with friends celebrating, not only Halloween, but also Everett Stuart's Fourth Birthday!

Kaden picked out the biggest pumpkin in the patch!  We had a great time carving it per Kaden's instructions.  Notice that neither boy liked getting their hands dirty.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Harrison - Three Months Old

This past month brought us lots of smiles, coos, and snuggles.  

We also enjoyed a visit from Ba Noi and Papa.  They were as taken with our little guy as we are...although it doesn't seem as though we took a photo of them together???

Harrison is a sweet and easy baby.  While he still spits up often, he only cries when he is hungry or overly-tired.  Poor guy is a champ running errands with me.  He doesn't mind the car seat and, in fact, takes most of his naps there (it's funny how people are with their second child).  He's making more sounds but no real "talking" yet.  Every day we are delighted by his big beautiful grin that reminds us of his Dad's.  Big brother is a constant source of entertainment.  Whenever Kaden is in the room, Harrison's eyes are glued to his every move.  We're looking forward to celebrating his first Halloween!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pumpkin Patch(es) 2013

Room 4 Field Trip to the pumpkin patch in Rancho Bernardo, CA

Bi-Water Farm - Georgetown, KY - with Gammi and Pop

Boyd Orchards - Versailles, KY - with the Sterns, Stuarts, and Culbertsons

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Harrison's First Flight

Harrison's first flight was to visit Gammi and Pop in Kentucky. I am happy to report that he acted as though he was a seasoned traveler and didn't make a peep on either flight.  Uncharacteristically, he was also quiet on the car ride from the Louisville airport to Gammi and Pop's house.  Must take after his brother, he was just happy to be in KY!