I love fall in Kentucky - the leaves, the smells, the crisp air. I love Halloween - dressing up for one night to pretend you are just about anything you want to be. Combined, Halloween in Kentucky, was perfection!
Kaden was clear this year that he wanted to be a knight. He went on to assign everyone in the family supporting roles: Daddy, a king; Mommy, a princess; Harrison, a fire breathing dragon; Gammi, a fairy; and, Pop, a jester. We did what we could with what we found lying around Gam and Pop's house.
We celebrated the day...in Gammi and Pop's basement. There was an awful storm system that came through resulting in the town postponing Trick-or-Treat until Friday, November 1st. A little confusing for the kids, but 10/31 or 11/1 we had fun just the same. It was a quintessential fall evening and we spent it with friends celebrating, not only Halloween, but also Everett Stuart's Fourth Birthday!
Kaden picked out the biggest pumpkin in the patch! We had a great time carving it per Kaden's instructions. Notice that neither boy liked getting their hands dirty.