How is it possible that half a year has gone by already? I hardly recognize the little peanut that we brought home from the hospital; he has grown into a little tank. At least that is what we thought. At his six month well-check, the doctor informed us that, while he was in he 75th percentile in height and head circumference, he was only in the 25th percentile for weight. So, we're gonna work to put some meat on him bones this month. He sure doesn't look like he's starving though.
Traveling confirmed my initial impression, Kaden is most definitely a people person. Not only did he love meeting all his new friends in Lexington and Brooklyn, he made sure to smile at each and every person that crossed his way. In every airport, on every flight, in every cab, and on the streets of Brooklyn, Kaden flirted shamelessly with anyone and everyone who was willing to acknowledge him. If they game him a smile or a compliment the little smirk turned into a mega-watt grin. He certainly knows how it is done - another trait earned from dear old Dad.
Kaden's new favorite activity is his Jumperoo. For a while, his feet didn't touch the floor. Now, he is the perfect size and jumps to his heart's content. After breakfast, he goes into the jumper while I prepare for the day. He turns the pages on the book, spins the ducks in the globe, and attempts to eat the plastic tomato, corn, and carrot. Recently, he grasped the purpose of the contraption and seemed mighty surprised by the concept. If he had his way, he would be in it all day...things, however, must get done. As it is, the Jumperoo songs are going through my mind even as my head hits the pillow...."one little horse plays peek-a-boo."
After a month of a pure oatmeal and rice diet, we decided it was time to add some variation. So, we introduced fruits and veggies. We started with peas. He was not a fan.
It didn't take long though and Kaden's palate was transformed. He is loving trying all the new foods - we introduce one every other day or so. Favorite fruit - apples. Favorite veggie - tie between butternut squash and zucchini. Now, we need to work on introducing these foods to Dad! Not only is Kaden trying new things, he is also getting a bit picky. This is especially true when it comes to the temperature of his milk. Whereas Dad likes his almost frozen, Kaden requires his at least room temperature. If it is too cool for his liking, he simply opens his mouth and lets it all drool out. Then, he looks up at me with a milk goatee and gives me that big gummy grin. I melt.
It seems like every time I turn around Kaden has something in his mouth. It could be a toy, or his hands, even other people's hands if they will allow it. If he can get his hands on it, it goes directly into his mouth. Anything and everything right into his mouth. And the drool...oh, the drool. There are pools and pools of it.

And here is the reason. Kaden got two teeth this month!!! One day, they just appeared. Luckily, these two didn't bring all the symptoms that most kiddos complain about. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the others break through just as easily. The problem with teeth, they make nursing quite interesting. Only recently he's figured out how to bite. The sudden and expressive reaction I give (ouch!) makes him giggle, which makes me smile, which is definitely sending the wrong message. Not a game we want to reinforce.
Our pediatrician informed us that around six months children should begin to babble. Although Kaden seems to know what he is saying, it isn't so much "babbling" as just grunting, screaming, cooing, and blowing raspberries. Regardless, this month we are going to work on getting Kaden to articulate some consonants. This entails me sounding like a madwoman as I go around constantly repeating "ma ma ma ma" "da da da da" "ba ba ba ba." He smiles at me as if to say, " Woman, you sure are crazy, but I love you anyway." Of course, I am looking forward to hearing him say "Mama" for the first time, especially if there is some meaning behind it as opposed to random consonants just being strung together. Until then, his precious giggle and heavenly smile keep me captivated. He is pure LOVE.