We took Kaden for a long walk and had to get a first photo of him at the beach. It is difficult to imagine raising a child in Southern California - so much different than the childhoods Kevin and I had in the South/Midwest. What am I going to do when Kaden asks for a skateboard...or, worse, a surfboard!!!
Just a couple of my favorite photos from this week. The first one looks like he's exhausted from his very busy day which was comprised of eating, sleeping, snuggling, and pooing - that would exhaust just about anybody! The second photo was taken while Kaden was napping on his Dad's chest (one of his favorite spots). It looks as if he is thinking of something very important. Wouldn't it be great to be in their minds for just a moment or so? What does someone so little with so few life experiences think about? We ask this all the time when a smile or scowl comes across Kaden's face as he is in a deep sleep. He's certainly dreaming about something.
A visit from Aunt Mimi and Uncle Gabe! These two were fantastic with Kaden and he gave them some good practice. They are expecting their first - a little girl - in a few short months. We can't wait to go visit! We are confused about just one thing...will baby Stern be considered a cousin and, if so, is the arranged marriage that we have already agreed to in some way wrong?
Kaden's 4 week/1 month portrait!
Don't have to call this one to the table twice - at his one month doctor appointment he weighed 9 pounds and was 21 inches long!