Friday, September 25, 2009

One Month Old!

We took Kaden for a long walk and had to get a first photo of him at the beach. It is difficult to imagine raising a child in Southern California - so much different than the childhoods Kevin and I had in the South/Midwest. What am I going to do when Kaden asks for a skateboard...or, worse, a surfboard!!!

Just a couple of my favorite photos from this week. The first one looks like he's exhausted from his very busy day which was comprised of eating, sleeping, snuggling, and pooing - that would exhaust just about anybody! The second photo was taken while Kaden was napping on his Dad's chest (one of his favorite spots). It looks as if he is thinking of something very important. Wouldn't it be great to be in their minds for just a moment or so? What does someone so little with so few life experiences think about? We ask this all the time when a smile or scowl comes across Kaden's face as he is in a deep sleep. He's certainly dreaming about something.

A visit from Aunt Mimi and Uncle Gabe! These two were fantastic with Kaden and he gave them some good practice. They are expecting their first - a little girl - in a few short months. We can't wait to go visit! We are confused about just one thing...will baby Stern be considered a cousin and, if so, is the arranged marriage that we have already agreed to in some way wrong?

Kaden's 4 week/1 month portrait!

Don't have to call this one to the table twice - at his one month doctor appointment he weighed 9 pounds and was 21 inches long!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Three Week Portrait

Innie or Outie? Can't tell quite yet, but the icky brown umbilical cord finally fell off. Found it during a diaper change and promptly put it in a plastic bag for saving. Why do parents do this? It seems like the equivalent of saving toenail clippings - just gross! I didn't think I would be emotional about this milestone, until Kevin reminded me that it marked my last physical connection to Kaden. That made me cry. How is it that nine months in the womb passes like molasses, and then once the little ones are here time speeds by?

This is my favorite portrait so far. It is as if he's discovered the giant giraffe and is wondering what in the world he's doing right next to it!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Last Day with Nana and Pop

This was taken right before Mom and Dad left for the airport - and before all the tears were shed! We had the most wonderful visit and wish they lived closer so that we could see them more often.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Adventures at Three Weeks

We FINALLY got out of the house for an all-day excursion! My parents were leaving at the end of the week, so we all went to Coronado for the day. The first photo is our stop at one of the local ice cream shops - sooner or later I should stop eating for two!

Before our big outing, we took a family photo. Had I viewed it before we left, I may have passed on the Rootbeer Float!

Nana and Pop reading Kaden his very favorite book - Brown Bear. I think the images are big enough for him to see. His favorite animals are Black Sheep, Blue Horse and Goldfish. Taking after his father, Teacher is his least favorite page!

Kaden loves the bouncy seat the Dardine family send him, but it is still a bit too big. With the Kiddopotamus snuzzler he fits in perfectly. It is one of his favorite places to nap.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Kaden's First Bath

The video Kevin took was a total of sixteen minutes long. These are just a couple excerpts clipped together - not very seamlessly I might add, I'm still working on figuring out iMovie. Judging from how much he liked it, I think bathtime will be one of Kaden's favorite times of the day. As you can tell, everyone had their opinions: Gammi was concerned there wasn't enough water, Pop was concerned it wasn't warm enough, I was concerned that I wasn't doing it properly, and Kevin was just concerned about capturing it all on film! While four people may be a few too many, I've decided that for now it is definitely a two person job.

First Sponge Bath

Kaden's first sponge bath was a little bit nerve wracking for these first time parents. He didn't seem to mind a bit though - loved every minute of it. Turns out, he likes real baths even better!

Friday, September 11, 2009

More From Week Two!

Two Week Portrait

Growing like a weed. At Kaden's two week appointment he weighed 6.15. He gained a full pound since leaving the hospital. Still waiting for that umbilical cord to fall off!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Meeting Pop

My dad, Pop to Kaden, came out a couple weeks after Kaden was born. I don't think he was sure about what being a grandparent would be like, but it didn't take long for him to take to it like a pro. Kaden, or "Bird Boy" as Dad has nicknamed him, was smitten. Dad clearly felt the same way. The blue eyes and red hair did throw Dad for a loop though - I think we finally convinced him he was in fact ours! While Dad loved talking to Kaden and, towards the end of the week, holding him, I know he is waiting for the day they can actually play together. Oh the things Kaden will be taught - corn loads, magic dollars, quoits, drip castles...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Play Date

Thank goodness for Michelle! I met our neighbor when I was about 34 months pregnant. One evening, Michelle came over to our house and introduced herself. Since then, she has been a saving grace in my life. Michelle has an adorable little girl, Andi, who is now six months old. Thanks to Andi's generosity, Kaden had a bassinet to sleep in when he got home from the hospital. Since he was early, I hadn't gotten around to getting one. Michelle and Andi let us borrow theirs until ours came in the mail. Since then, Michelle has brought us a wonderful lasagna dinner, a darling sound machine for Kaden to fall asleep to, and general companionship. We try and go for evening walks together when our husbands are out of town. We also try and get together once a week for lunch. It is so nice to have even one friend out here...especially someone who knows what it is like to be a new mom and so far away from friends and family. This is a photo from our first "play date." I don't think Andi was too impressed with this two-week olds capacity for play!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

My First Week

Some photos from my first week.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Kaden's first UK game! UK v. Miami of Ohio. Since we are out on the West Coast, the game was on fairly early. I got Kaden dressed in his UK gear as soon as we woke up so that the festivities could begin. No sooner did I get his outfit on did he spit up all over it. So, after tossing it in the wash, he was ready to go again in the second half. By that time, the game had become a bit boring - you can see how excited he was. Oh well.