Thursday, December 31, 2009

The 2009 Holidays

Ahhh family. My parents came out to spend Christmas with us and it was wonderful. Oh how we miss family.

On the 19th, we all attended an annual Christmas party thrown by our cousins, the Grants. It was our first night leaving Kaden with a babysitter - actually, friends who live down the street from us. We love you Michelle, Dave, and Andie! Kevin and I were a bit nervous, but Kaden did great; we were told he slept the entire time!

On the 20th we took a trip to the San Diego Zoo. I guarantee Kaden is going to love this place when he grows up - the adults already do!

The majority of the time was spent in the house snuggling. Kaden couldn't get enough of his Gammi and Pop and the feeling was obviously mutual.

On the 28th, Kaden met Uncle Paul. I can already tell Kaden is going to be a "guys guy" as he loves hanging out with the boys! Every time Paul was in the room, Kaden would just stare at him. I think Paul fell in love a little bit too! Judging from Paul's interactions with Kaden, he is going to make a great dad...someday. I think we all knew that though.

A visit to Old Town.

An amazing day at Coronado.

The boys watching the game - Go Eagles!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Four Months Old

OK, so by the time I am writing this it's more like four and a half months, but the Holidays and family visitors have kept things a little busy around here.

Month three was a difficult one in the Flynn family. Kaden was a most unhappy little boy for the majority of the month. A lot of it had to do with his reflux, which on Christmas Day we started Zantac to help control, but a lot of it had to do with our failure to set any sort of schedule for him. Kaden was eating whenever he wanted, playing for hours and hours at a time, and sleeping whenever he felt like it (which was not often). This made for one cranky little baby. Kevin and I, as newbie parents, were beside ourselves with worry thinking something may be seriously wrong with our little man. Unfortunately, it took about a month to figure out that all Kaden needed was some serious sleep and, shockingly, a bit more food. With the help of two amazing women, Emily Stuart and Jenny Lahey, I feel confident that month four will prove a little easier and we will have a much happier baby boy!

At Kaden's Four Month Check-Up he weighed in at 15.5 pounds and measured 25.25 inches - right between the 50th and 60th percentiles for both.

Kaden found his thumb. He enjoys chewing on it rather than sucking, and he can't seem to find it at night when he really wants it, but it has completely replaced the pacifier - he wants nothing to do with those anymore.

Kaden loves to be carted around in the Baby Hawk or Ergo. Lately, this is the only spot he'll take his evening nap. When he is awake, I love how he peeks out at the world.

Tummy Time is improving, especially if he has something fun to observe. Pop brought this musical Nutcracker and Kaden is mesmerized by the rhythmic drum beating movement and soothing classic song. Actually, right after this photo was taken he rolled over onto his back for the first time!

Kaden loved this singing puppy that Gammi sent him. Prior to the camera being turned on, it almost seemed as though he were dancing right along with it. Of course, we weren't able to capture that on film.

Much to my chagrin, and much to his father's pleasure, Kaden L-O-V-E-S television...especially sports. He'll do whatever he can to watch, even if it means watching upside down.

Month three brought a lot of new changes. Thanks to the help of the Bumbo, Kaden has much better head control and easily sits up when he is supported. He has also learned to anticipate things - whenever he sees me fidgeting with my shirt or preparing a bottle, he kicks his not-so-little legs in excitement, knowing that food is soon to follow. He also anticipates a tickle or a kiss with an open mouth and a great big grin or giggle. No major giggle episodes yet, he just lets out a little laugh - maybe we just aren't funny enough for him. He is "talking" up a storm; sometimes in response to us, but mostly when he is alone with his friends Mylo, Mr. Whozit Whatzit, and Sophie. He is also showing frustration when he can't do something - usually it is when he is attempting to get something into his mouth but just can't manage to get it there. If I had to pick out a favorite activity of his, it would probably be gnawing on my fingers. Seeing that most days he produces a quart or two of slobber, I think he is in the beginning stages of teething. He continues to love being outside, and with 70 degree weather in January I can see why. It is amazing how quickly being outdoors can soothe him when he is cranky. Mostly though, he loves observing the world from his stroller; he is so curious and takes in everything. He is mesmerized by the ocean while I continue to be mesmerized by him.

*A friend informed me that there is a company that converts blogs to book form. Therefore, this blog is also going to serve as Kaden's baby book. Why do I mention this? I mention it as a warning: there will be a lot of information (especially in the monthly updates) that no one but a mom cares about. Read at your own risk.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Kaden's First Christmas

To be honest, Kaden treated Christmas morning just like any other day of the year. For us adults though, it was a fun (and, might I add, beautifully warm and sunny) day. Even though no cookies or milk was left out for Santa, he managed to make it by our house anyway. Misjudging how tall Kaden is, Santa left a Fischer Price Jumperoo - his little legs don't touch the floor thus defeating the whole purpose. I'm sure Santa was thinking ahead; with the speed this little guy is growing, he'll be ready for it in no time.

Christmas morning

Pop and Kaden enjoying some play time before opening presents. Kaden gets a real kick out of Pop calling him a "kitty" and tickling his face.

Going through Kaden's stocking.

Kaden's stocking contained a two-pack of Mylicon - Santa must have been thinking of Mommy and Daddy with this gift. Kaden and Dad posing with a personalized stocking from Papa and Ba Noi and a favorite new friend, "Mylo," from his Missouri Grandparents - Aaron and Sandy Fenster.

Kaden got a TON of new books from Mom and Dad, and Gammi and Pop, and some great new toys from Aunt Vicki and Uncle Rich.

Snuggling with Gammi - Nana D's new name. We can't quite figure out what Kaden should call her. When the time comes, I bet he comes up with a name all on his own.

Gammi and Pop brough a lovely silver rattle engraved with Kaden's initials and birth date. I had one just like it when I was little and it has all kinds of little teeth marks on it. This will definitely be a keepsake.

In what is fast becoming a Christmas tradition, we had dinner with our cousins who live down the street. With Uncle Paul in Puerto Rico; Jenna, Thomas, and Boris in Cambodia; Leslie, Alex, and soon-to-be baby in Brooklyn; and the other Koshgerians in Pennsylvania/D.C./NYC, we all wished the rest of the family could have joined us. Maybe one of these years...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Seeing Santa

We waited for Gammi and Pop to take Kaden to see Santa. It seemed like everyone else waited until the last minute too as the line was a couple of hours long. Patient Gammi stayed in line and made lots of new friends while Pop, Kevin, Kaden, and I did some last-minute Christmas shopping. We weren't sure how Kaden was going to react to Santa, but he took it all in stride - too young to be scared, I guess. He looked up at Santa a couple of times trying to figure out just who it was that was holding him, but in the end cooperatively stared into the camera. I have a feeling that next year will be an entirely different experience!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Very Special Christmas Ornament

Cindy McKinney, a family friend, made this darling ornament for Kaden's first Christmas. It is made out of a lightbulb! She made similar ornaments as wedding gifts to Kevin and me - so creative. Now, we have a complete lightbulb family! Thank you, Cindy!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Kevin has been dreading his 30th birthday for a while now. But, when you wake up to a family who loves you this much, you are a lucky man indeed. We wish you a very happy birthday and we thank you for all that you do for us everyday. We promise to make your 30s extra special, so special in fact that you'll love them even more than your 20s. WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!

What's this?

What would you like for me to do with it?

Smile? This is all I got.

I am going to eat it now, ok?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Let's Hear It For the Boys

Kaden and Kevin bonded this weekend with some serious one-on-one time.

Watching the Cats.

My favorite photo to date. They get a kick out of one another!

Getting some work done.

Kaden's newest accomplishment is sitting in his Bumbo. While he still doesn't have great head control (probably because he HATES tummy time), I think this contraption is helping him strengthen his neck muscles. Right now, he's so wobbly in there he looks like he's had a few too many. As you can tell, he's not so sure about it.